International Coursework
An overview of what I have learned...
Food Customs in Europe
In my Food Customs in Europe class, I spent the course of the semester learning about food and culture from 5 European countries: Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Greece, and Turkey. I studied, agriculture, geography, and culture from the perspective of food production, customs, and health in European countries. For each country a guest lecturer would come in and present on a certain part of the culture of the country. For example when learning about the Czech Republic, a professor came in to show us how beer is fermented. Our final presentation consisted of in an in-depth interview with a person from one of the 5 countries. I interviewed someone from Turkey and presented their perspective of Turkish food and culture.
How Soccer Explains The World
IDS:2925 used soccer as a vessel to examine problems in modern day society. Throughout the course we kept asking ourselves "What is justice?" "Who has the power?" I explored the dynamics between justice and power through soccer and in the world. This course opened my eyes up to how soccer is a center stage for societal inequalities such as racism, sexism, religion, and poverty. We also used soccer to explore concepts like citizenship and national identity, corruption, and businesses and politics in sports.
European Experience: Social Sciences
In EUS2003, I learned about Europe through different social science perspectives. I studied Europe through geography, anthropology, sociology, political science, economics, and linguistics. Through these five disciplines I studied European history, wars, border disagreements, the formation of the European Union, European currencies, multiculturalism, Gender and race, xenophobia, and democracy. EUS2003 covered the continent from its geographic formation all the way to modern Europe and the formation of the European Union. My course taught me how to examine and understand Europe through different perspectives and disciplines.
Intro to Latin American Studies
In LAS:2001 I gained a broad introduction of Latin American history, culture, and customs. I learned about the relationship between Latin America and colonialism and how the effects of colonialism can still be seen today in modern Latin America.Throughout the semester I also chose a specific Latin country to do a case study on. I chose to research the Dominican Republic and examined various social, political, and economic inequalities in the country. I also explored themes of religion, sexism, "machismo", and migration throughout the duration of this course.
International Studies Perspectives
This course was an introductory course to the field of International Studies. The course material engaged with various regions of the world and was taught from a global perspective. The class topics included: globalization, political and economic
change, poverty and development, migration and refugees, nationalism, human-environment
interactions, human rights, and religion.
The Wonderful World of Nonprofits
IDH :2930
This course explores the nature, roles, operations, and impacts of Non- Governmental Organizations on societies across the globe. The course builds a foundation in understanding NGOs and International NGOs within the geographical, social, political and economic realities under which they operate. In this class we discussed the historical growth of NGO sectors around the globe, the variety and size of NGOs in various regions and countries, the mission, clients, roles and responsibilities of NGOs and INGOs, various impacts of NGOs and INGOs on societies and environment, and the current trends in of NGOs in societies.

Business Coursework
Principles of Microeconomics
The goal of this course was to develop skills used to understand how households, firms, and governments make economic decisions and the implications of those decisions for the business environment, resource allocation, pricing, and the distribution of income and macroeconomic variables. In this course I learned various elements of economics, finance, accounting, marketing, operations management, organizational behavior, business law, information technology, and business statistics.
Introduction to Statistics 1
In this introductory course, I learned how to pose a question, collect data relevant to said question, analyze data, and interpret data, to find answers to real world data. I analyzed graphical and numerical summaries to describe the distribution of relationships between variables and how to design good surveys and experiments and collect data from representative samples and attach a measure of reliability to them.
Introduction to Financial Accounting
This introductory course was intended to develop an understanding of the environment, role, and basic principles of financial accounting, primarily from the standpoint of the user of financial information. I am now able to identify the information conveyed in each of the four basic financial statements and the way that it is used by different decision makers, identify what constitutes a business transaction and apply transactional analysis to record the effects of those transactions, prepare basic financial statements based upon Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and describe common financial statement relationships used in financial analysis.
Principles of Macroeconomics
In this course, I developed a thorough understanding of the macroeconomy, looking
closely at GDP growth, unemployment, inflation, and business cycles. I also examined the models
used by economists to depict the macroeconomy and employ them to examine monetary and fiscal
policy. Finally, I examined the international financial system and exchange rate fluctuations.
Problem Solving Using Computer Software
This course involved problem-solving and thorough exploration of word processing, spreadsheet management, data analysis, graphical display of data, and multimedia presentations. I applied mathematical concepts and technology to interpret, understand, and communicate quantitative data. I learned how to identify a business problem and develop solutions and adjustments to business issues. Finally I learned how to write business documents clearly, concisely, and analytically.
Principles of Marketing
Through this course I learned the role of marketing within society and within an economic system and role of marketing within a firm and the necessary relationships between marketing and the other functional areas of business. I also learned how marketing perspectives are important in my own personal and professional development.
Legal Environment of Business
Through this business law course, I became familiar with essential legal concepts such as contracts and torts. I learned to recognize and apply basic principles of law to various problems which businesses may face, consider ethical and philosophical constructs in the legal and business environment, distinguish between legal systems in the United States and the world, evaluate the roles and activities of juries, recognize fundamental issues of international and comparative law, evaluate the roles and activities of lawyers, recognize the formation, dissolution, and contractual or tort liability of agency relationships, understand the process for forming corporations and corporate law concepts, distinguish the roles of shareholders, directors, and officers, identify, analyze and evaluate the elements of a contract, identify what to look for involving contract issues, such as what binds/discharges parties to a contract, recognize some basic constitutional doctrines, especially due process and free speech issues, know the main issues/principles associated with employment discrimination claims or related issues, know the essential concepts of intellectual property, evaluate the roles and activities of judges, explain how courts function, explain how lawsuits proceed; prepare a plan to bring or respond to a lawsuit, understand fundamental elements of criminal law and torts, including defenses, identify basic, practical concepts of law in risk management and proactive business planning.
Business Finance
Through this course, I now understand the role of finance within a firm, within society, and within an economic system. I learned financial principles and terminology and gained the basic financial/mathematical tools required by managers for making financial decisions. I also learned how business professionals deal with some of the legal, ethical and social responsibilities of the firm in a financial context and appreciated the role of financial leadership in a business organization. Finally, I now appreciate how an understanding of finance is important to my own professional development and career success, as well as how it can impact my own, personal decisions.
Global Strategic Management
This course aimed to help me understand the range of competitive opportunities and
challenges companies and managers face in creating value worldwide. The content
focuses on how resources and capabilities enable a company to create a worldwide
competitive advantage even in the face of a complex global environment. Through this course I gained a toolkit of conceptual frameworks needed to navigate through the often-contradictory mass of information about how international competition takes place, a set of criteria for evaluating exactly how global strategy will help enhance the firm’s long-term profitability and value, and a clear understanding of how to measure and interpret the effects of economic,
cultural, financial, political, and social factors on international management decision.
Doing Business in Asia
“Doing Business in Asia” was designed for particularly those with special interests in international business, marketing or strategy. The course provides a comprehensive overview of culture and management practices. The course was preceded by a brief survey examination of the Asian business environment in general, along with that of each country’s history, culture, and economy before going on to examine specific management practices in each country. Country-specific activities culminated with student teams engaging in an in-depth case analysis and presentation of an Asian-based corporation and its business operations and practices within the global competitive environment. On an individual level, students developed a discussion paper on the business practices and operations of a specific multinational corporation in the context of a chosen country within the region, as well as took various tests/quizzes throughout the term.

Italian Coursework
Italian Grammar and Composition
Conducted in Italian
Italian Civilization
Conducted in Italian
In this writing and grammar intensive Italian class, I drastically improved my proficiency and developed a more sophisticated vocabulary and writing style. In ITA:3420 I properly learned how to identify and use various verb conjugations and patterns.
The Italian Holocaust
Conducted in English
This course was centered on the writings of Primo Levi, an Italian Holocaust survivor. Through his deeply emotional work along with Italian holocaust movies, I studied fascist Italy and the harsh realities of Nazi concentration camps.
Theory and Practice of Translation
FOT: 4801
Conducted in English
In this course I learned about the world of translation. I studied various translation techniques, translations of media, literature, and spoken word, and the different roles of translators. I also spent the semester translating a portion of the Italian novel, Le Parole Tra Noi. I also curated a portfolio of various translation projects I worked on throughout the course of the semester.
In this course, I learned about the history and culture of Naples. I studied the unique Italian city through various disciplines including history, literature, cinema and music. The course covered Naples from when it was ruled by the Greeks all the way to modern society.
Neapolitan Novels
Conducted in English
I spent the semester reading and analyzing the Neapolitan Novels book series of My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante. Through the four book series, I gained a deeper understanding of societal issues in Italy like gender roles, the lack of government and the mafia, and the severe economic and social differences between Northern and Southern Italy.
Food Production to Consumption
Study Abroad Course
In this course I visited various regions of Italy to study food production and consumption. I learned about the science and business behind food production. Various factories and production sites walked me through their production and distribution methods. At the end of my trip I wrote a report reflecting on everything I learned.
Perspectives of the Bay of Naples
Study Abroad Course
In this course I learned about the history and culture on the Sorrento and Bay of Naples area. In this experiential-learning based class, I visited various cities such as Naples, Sorrento, Herculaneum, Positano, Amalfi, Ravello, Salerno, and Paestum. Through my various field trips I learned about Italian history, traditions, environmental issues, tourism industries, and regional differences and inequalities.
Italian play
Conducted in Italian
In this course, I was introduced to the literary and theater works of the Italian play writer Luigi Pirandello. The class will focus on the reading, production and final performance of three one act plays. During the first three weeks, I read excerpts from two of Pirandello’s most famous novels and from his essay on Umorismo in an effort to understand the author’s literary, cultural and historical background. The second part focused on the plays we staged: La Morsa, La patente , L’altro figlio.
Animals and Animality in Italian Literature
Conducted in Italian
In this course I explored a selection of Italian portraits of the nonhuman animal. I examined literary animals such as dogs, cats, pigs, goats, mice, and donkeys created by authors and poets including Verga, Svevo, Tozzi, Morante, and Calvino. These animals are not only characters within poems, short stories, or novels, but they also serve as a trigger for philosophical and ethical considerations of the relationship between the human and the nonhuman animal.
Translating Migrations
Conducted in Italian
The course explored the theme of migration in multiple art forms, particularly in music, literature,
and cinema. The course highlighted how migration has been fundamental to Italian culture
and society. In studying these materials, I refined my vocabulary and strengthened my knowledge and use of Italian grammar through diverse in-class and at-home activities (written and oral). Additionally, throughout the semester, translation ateliers allowed me to reflect on the importance of accurately conveying others' thoughts especially when linked to geographical and biographical changes.
Mad Love In Modern Italian Literature
Conducted in Italian
Often associated with a clichéd romantic passion, Italy has served as the setting for a variety of films that depict non-Italians in the throes of a sensual reawakening prompted by an encounter with the Italian peninsula and its inhabitants. Italy’s own cultural production provides a more nuanced portrait of romantic and/or erotic love. This is particularly true of the literature of modern Italy. Love also sheds a light on society’s contradictions and injustices, the expectations and the norms it imposes on the minds and bodies of those who love.
Italian Conversation
Conducted in Italian
This course explored a sampling of social and cultural questions facing contemporary Italian society. Topics were explored through a selection of readings and viewings. The central focus of this course was be oral production. Assessments included several presentations. While there were also written assignments, the ultimate goal was for students to refine their oral skills through new vocabulary use (and appropriate use of grammatical structures) while also focusing on the tone and register of language in cultural contexts. By the end of the course, I was able to demonstrate my ability to conduct relatively demanding conversations to express personal ideas and opinions von contemporary issues/topics
Medieval Mad Love
Conducted in English
This course covered Italian poetry, literature, and images of obsessive, possessive, and romantic love from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. As early modern artists and writers struggled to understand how love could seem both demonic and divine, they looked to bawdy folklore, biblical imagery, and the language of sickness and health to describe an emotion that could drive lovers to distraction and transform them into wholly irrational beings. Classes combined student-centered activities with brief lecture style introductions to the day’s reading.

Arabic Coursework
Arabic Culture
Conducted in English
In this course I studied Arabic Culture. I learned about middle eastern geography, Islam, food and daily life, Arab contributions to science, and the Arab influence on the rest of the world. Throughout the course of the semester I read and analyzed the book The Bamboo Stalk.
Beginning Arabic 1
Conducted in Arabic
In this introductory language course I learned basic Arabic. I learned the alphabet, how to read and write Arabic script, verb conjugations, and how to hold a basic conversation. By learning the language I also examined various Arab cultural products, practices, and perspectives. For my final project, I made a website showcasing my projects.
Beginning Arabic 2
Intermediate Arabic
Conducted in Arabic
Conducted in Arabic
This was a continuation course of Beginning Arabic. In Arabic 2, I developed a more sophisticated vocabulary, learned more verb patterns and conjugations, and improved my reading, writing, and conversational skills.
This course built on ARA 1131 to continue the study of Arabic at the intermediate level. I reviewed and reinforced the usage of vocabulary and grammar rules so that I could comprehend and confidently express myself orally and in writing in Standard Arabic. Reading and comprehension skills, as well as listening and conversational skills, were also emphasized